Established in 2022, the Antelope Valley Teen Challenge Outreach Center is the home base location for admission interviews for men and women who are interested in entering one of our existing current residential programs. It will also host prevention outreach activities for youth, Living Free groups, and other Christ-centered support groups that provide vital, non-residential help for those trapped in addiction, as well as their families.
Antelope Valley Teen Challenge
43807 10th St. West, Suite E
Lancaster, CA, 93534
Phone: (661) 888-4249

Eric Tijerina grew up in a loving, Christian home in the small town of Tehachapi, CA. He was very active in sports and had the support of his parents in his life.
Everything changed when he took his first sip of alcohol at the age of 14 before a school dance. This began a devastating 26-year addiction to alcohol and drugs. As many times as he tried to stop, he never could. The grip of addiction was just too tight. He ultimately lost nearly everything he cared for.
He found Teen Challenge at the age of 40, went through the recovery program and graduated in 2015. Feeling like God was calling him into full-time vocational ministry, he enrolled at the Teen Challenge Ministry Institute in Los Angeles, CA. While there he was trained and developed as a servant leader.
He graduated from the Ministry Institute in 2016 and has been serving in various capacities within Teen Challenge of Southern California until 2022, when he became the Supervisor of Operations at the new Antelope Valley Teen Challenge Outreach Center. He and his beautiful wife, Tiffany, are also the proud parents of twins.

In addition to our residential center, we are actively involved in our local community, making a difference in others. We also provide:
Conducting admission interviews for people seeking help through Teen Challenge
Outreach into the community
Conducting support groups for those struggling with addiction as well as their friends and family
Presentations in schools, local community organizations, and churches
If you would like to apply for admission, you can speed up the intake process by downloading and filling out the admissions forms, then taking them to the center you have an appointment with. You can download the forms below:
A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors