Mighty Man of God: Ron Strong

For more than 20 years, Ron Strong was an addict and drug dealer, his life marked with violence and pain. In 1992, he overdosed six times, each time ending up in the hospital.

But then someone told him about Teen Challenge and how he could find new life there.

In 1994, Ron came into the program and turned his life around. He graduated from Teen Challenge and then from the Ministry Institute. Now, as a Care Pastor and Teacher/Advisor, Ron helps the men every day at Inland Empire Teen Challenge change their lives by getting to know Jesus better—just like he has for the last 21 years.

For Ron, the key to being a mighty man of God is to “Be a PRO—Pray, Read and Obey. That’s what’s got me through all these years.”

Ron is able to help others because donors like you gave to Teen Challenge when he needed help. Thank you for your kindness to the men and women at Teen Challenge!

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